How To Wash Running Shoes

how to wash shoes

One of the things to do is to know how to wash running shoes. This is because, after a very long mile that you’ve put on your pair of running shoes, it will come across and endure a lot, from hot feet to slushy dirt.

In order to get the most of the running shoes, you have to make sure you put up some proper cleaning maintenance for them.

And your ability to keep your running shoes clean will rely on a number of factors, including how unclean they are (and from what), the type of material they are made of, and how you wash them.

At the same time, it’s crucial to avoid over-washing your running shoes. Keeping them dirty and wet after a run can weaken stitching, harm the rubber, and serve as a haven for mildew and other delightful things.

Let’s look at how we can give your running shoes proper cleaning. When it comes to cleaning your running shoes, there are three ways to go about it:

1. Wash Running Shoes With Hands

Washing running shoes with hands was the best method that was used before the investment of dishwashers; though everyone is familiar with this method,

in case you need to learn how to go about it, then I will break it down step by step.

Step 1. Prepare A Gentle Cleaning Agent And Water

Combine a tiny quantity of dish soap or mild laundry detergent with warm water. You may also produce a powerful cleaning paste for white and lighter-colored shoes by combining baking soda and water in equal parts.

Step 2. Get A Dry Brush

Make use of a dry, soft-bristle shoe brush to eliminate any loose dirt from the uppers, midsole, and outsole. Instead of using a shoe-brush, an old toothbrush will do just fine.

Step 3. Wash The Laces By Hand

Apply a tiny amount of the gentle cleaning solution on the shoelaces after removing them. The laces should be massaged with your hands, rinsed, and dried with a soft towel.

Step 4. Wash Your Shoes

Use a soft-bristled brush, toothbrush, or washcloth to apply the mild solution. Take your time to properly clean the outsole and midsole, paying attention to every area of the soles. Use a gentle towel to dry.

Take note of this: If you need to wash your insoles, remove them from your shoes first, then clean them with your solution. After they have dried, replace the insoles.

Step 5. Clean And Dry The Uppers

To clean the uppers, apply a diluted solution and use a soft brush, toothbrush, or moist cloth.

Don’t scrub too hard; instead, blot and lift as much soapy liquid and grime as you can using a dry microfiber towel or soft cloth when pleased with the appearance. If necessary, repeat.

Step 6. Dry It In An Airy Place

Your shoes should air dry at room temperature. Always let your shoe air dry thoroughly before your next workout or activity. It should take at least 8 hours for most shoes to dry completely.

2. Wash Running Shoes In The Dishwasher

Washing running shoes in the dishwasher also has something to put in place, and this is because the idea of washing running shoes in a dishwasher is deviant. Still, due to time-saving, many people tend to use it.

1. So the thing you must do when you feel like using the dishwasher is to, Put the
shoes in a pillowcase or mesh bag.

The bag will aid in preserving the footwear. Before putting it in the washing machine, ensure it is well shut.

And If you’re using a pillowcase, put the shoes inside, tie the top shut, and fasten it with rubber bands. To protect the shoes, add more padding to the washing machine.

2. Wash your running shoes and at least two extra-large bath towels. Choose colored towels instead of white or delicate ones because you will clean them with soiled shoes.

3. Another thing to do is to Use the gentle cycle to wash the shoes, insoles, and laces.

4. Put any additional towels you want to add to the load in the washing machine with your shoes, insoles, and laces. Use little to no spinning and cold or warm water.

5. At the end of the wash, choose the extended rinse cycle option to remove any soapy residue.

6. After that, dry the shoes outside. Remove the insoles, laces, and shoes from the washer.

Before wearing, leave the shoes open to dry for 24 hours. Roll up a couple of sheets of newspaper and pack the shoes with it to hasten the drying process and retain the shoes’ form.

3. Wipe Down The Running Shoes

This method of running shoe cleaning is determined due to the materials your running shoes are made from.

Because not all running shoes can be washed either by hand or by dishwasher, some running shoes only need to be wiped down. So follow step by step if your runners need this type of cleaning.

Step 1. Clean Up The Dirt

To get rid of any loose surface filth, grime, or debris, wipe off the shoe fabric with a dry paper towel.

Step 2. Create A Cleaning Agent

Combine two cups of warm water and one teaspoon of dishwashing liquid in a small bowl. As you incorporate, thoroughly stir.

Step 3. Shoe Cleaning Brush

Dip the toothbrush into the soapy solution and gently scrub the cloth, working on a small surface at a time.

Don’t soak the cloth too much. To keep the color uniform and avoid spots, go all over the shoe while working with the fabric’s grain.

Step 4. Eliminate Soapy Remains

With a paper towel dampened with clean water, wipe the whole shoe. To “rinse” the entire shoe, you could need multiple towels.

After using a dry paper towel to blot the fabric, place the shoes somewhere cool and out of the sun to air dry.

Until the shoe is entirely dry, tuck dry paper towels inside the toes or heels of specific shoes to help them maintain their form.

Frequently Ask Questions:

Are Running Shoes Washable?

Absolutely Yes, your running shoes are washable, but be cautious of the types of materials used in making your pair of running shoes.

This is because not all running shoe fabrics are washable. However, those that are non-washable are less than those that are washable.

Can I Use Washing Machine To Clean My Running Shoes?

Use a slow or no-spin setting to wash your shoes on a moderate, cold water cycle. Remember to remove the laces and insoles before putting them in a zipped mesh bag.

This keeps your favorite shoes in good condition and shields your washer from harm.