How To Walk Heels

how to walk heels

For you as a beginner, knowing how to walk in heels is one of the essential steps you must take before trying to wear them confidently to any occasion.

Lack of proper knowledge on how to walk with your heels can bring a lot of harm and injuries to your foot.

That is why you must take all the necessary steps required to be able to walk in heels properly.

Let’s look from this perspective if you need to learn how to walk in heels. For instance, you are wearing your heels, and you’ve taken a few hesitant steps around the home.

Your sloppiness will make you appear more like a drunkard. Instead of you looking like a model with this sign, it will be clear you’re a beginner at wearing high heels.

And if you don’t watch your steps as you move, you might break your ankle if you mistakenly slip.

By any chances if you find yourself in this situation when you put on heels for the first time, then relax; you’re not alone.

Heels knock you off balance, which is why you can not walk in them or even find it tough to try them on for the first time.

Raising your heels puts more pressure on your feet, which causes your body to move forward and alter how you balance and walk.

In a situation like this, it can make you feel clumsy or awkward, and it can impose tension on body parts and muscles that were not previously used to straining.

If you as a lady are facing this kind of situation just as demonstrated above and how to face this challenging situation.

because it’s obvious you’re not the only one going through this particular situation, just like many other girls.

How To Feel Confident Wearing Your Heels In Public:

Try Practicing Your Heels At Home

Wear your new high heels at home before showcasing them since practice makes perfect. You should practice walking on as many different types of flooring as you can, including carpets, slick floors, and stairs.

A special reminder regarding stairs: just plant your foot on the ball of each step as you climb. However, when stepping down, put your complete foot down in a heel-toe motion.

Then, before putting your other foot down, check to be sure you have a firm footing. Just in case, cling to a railing.

Follow These Steps While Practicing At Home:

1. Start Walking From Heel To Toe:

Put your entire foot down at once as though you’re wearing flats to avoid seeming unprofessional when wearing heels. When wearing heels, place your toe down after your heel.

Your gait will appear more natural as a result.

2. Start By Taking Small Steps:

While you are starting out wearing your heels, don’t try to move fast in heels; it can result in some awkward situations.

So take your time and start taking minimal steps. With time you will adapt to it.

3. Lean Back Slightly:

This is one of the things to watch out for when you’re practicing wearing heels. Because your posture while in your heels also has a lot of impact on your walking.

So allow yourself to lean just a little bit back when walking in heels. Because this can also prevent your tendency to lean forward, which can result in an odd appearance.

4. Always Think About Yourself Moving Straight Ahead:

Just like when you’re driving, instead of focusing on the wheel while moving, you focus on what is ahead while you still control the wheel.

The same goes for you; when trying your new heels out, don’t look at your heels as you move instead, focus on moving to your endpoint by visualizing yourself moving in a straight direction.

5. Make Sure Your Heels Fit Perfectly:

This is one of the cause why walking in heels can be frustrating. Because It’s nearly impossible to walk normally on heels if your heels don’t fit you properly.

Use shoe cushions for a better fit if your heels are too large. Consider having a local cobbler stretch them if they are too tiny, or better change them.

What Improper wearing Of Heels Can Cause To Your Health:

1. Causes Of Pain On Heels:

A single incident, such as a twist or fall, or repetitive tension and pounding on the heel can also cause heel discomfort.

This is another one of the most frequent ailments that can result from wearing heels improperly is a stress fracture which will also lead to pain in the heels.

2. Damage Your Feet:

This unusual weight distribution might hurt your feet, as well as your knees, ankles, hips, and lower back. Ingrown toenails, bunions, and hammertoes can all be brought on by wearing heels incorrectly.

Extremely rare stress fractures from wearing heels improperly can develop into arthritis in the long run.


As we all know, wearing heels makes you look classy while outing. Still, some things are to be put in place to be able to look classier in your heels, and this is not just a thing you can do in a day as a beginner.

That is why it’s so important to take the necessary steps so that when you finally feel like wearing your heels for an outing, you will be more confident and classy.