
Fisherman Sandals

fisherman's sandals

You might ask a question like this, what are Fisherman sandals? In brief, fisherman sandals are sandals made from leather, which are ancient styles of casual footwear with some holes as a design that allows water to ditch away from the foot. And it’s somehow heavy on the feet. Its heaviness is due to the …

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Running Sandals

running sandals

Running sandals are sandal that looks basically like flip flop, and it was made for running. The reason for these types of sandals was that some years ago, people ran barefoot, and to prevent their feet from injuries, someone from ancient Egyptian tombs invented these sandals for foot protection and more effective running. Running sandals …

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Gladiator Sandals

Gladiator sandal

Gladiator sandals are sandals with soles that are secured to the foot by several broad cross straps. For these sandals, to secure the foot, a single wide strap is wrapped around the ankle. By means of leather cords, straps, or braided thongs, a rigid sole is fastened to the foot. Gladiator sandals are formed between …

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